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Episode 18: Ashley’s Birth Story

Ashley talks about the benefits she experienced from practicing hypnobirthing techniques and remaining calm throughout the process.

Episode 17: RN to Doula

How is being a nurse different from being a doula? Carolyn and her guest Jennifer discuss their transitions from being a Registered Nurse.

Episode 16: Breastfeeding Part 2

Carolyn and Linda Smith examine evidence-based breastfeeding practices and debunk some breastfeeding myths.

Episode 15: Breastfeeding Part 1

Carolyn welcomes back lactation consultant and childbirth educator Linda Smith to discuss the science of breastfeeding and human lactation.

Episode 14: Home Birth

Carolyn invites Bethany to discuss her home birth experience and compare the hospital-based biomedical model of childbirth and home birth.

Episode 13: Skin to Skin

Carolyn and Linda Smith discuss the benefits of skin to skin contact, for the mother and baby, and the father/partner and baby, too.

Episode 12: Stages of Labor

Carolyn and April Kline talk about embracing each unique stage of labor with it’s own lessons and rewards.

Episode 10: Mind Body Connection

Carolyn andTeresa J Helm discuss how a strong mind-body connection is a powerful tool in achieving a positive birth.

Episode 9: Induction

Our society likes predictability and we love to schedule things, so why not birth?

Episode 8: Matt's Story

Being aware is a large part of participating in a partner's pregnancy and Carolyn's guest Matt urges us to take it one step at a time.

Episode 7: Birth Plans Pt. 2

In this episode Carolyn welcomes back April Kline. They talk about what happens after your baby is born and how to advocate for them.

Episode 6: Hallie's Story

Was I ever told about labor and delivery? Why does the medical profession try to fix everything instead of understand it?

Episode 3: Prenatal Yoga

In this episode, Carolyn talks to yoga teacher Purna Devi and learns the benefits of doing yoga during pregnancy.

Episode 2: Due Dates

Let’s “due” some calculations! Or shall we say re-calculations or mis-calculations? When will you have your baby? Everyone wants to know!

Episode 1: What Doulas Know

Going through life is so much easier with a companion who is there for you unconditionally. A doula is a companion, an educator, an advocate

​© 2019 by What Doulas Know. Proudly created with

All information presented in this podcast is intended for educational purposes only,and is not intended as medical diagnosis or treatment. The persons presenting the episodes are not licensed doctors.  You should consult a qualified medical professional before making any decisions regarding your health, including any decisions based on information presented here.

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